Vinay Khatri

I am a Full Stack Developer with a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science, who also loves to write technical articles that can help fellow developers.

Find the closest pair from two arrays

Find the closest pair from two arrays

Problem Given two sorted arrays and an integer X, find one number from each array such that the …

Find the count of distinct elements in every subarray of size k

Find the count of distinct elements in every subarray of size k

Problem Given an array of integers and a number k. Find the count of distinct elements in every …

Find an index of the maximum occurring element with equal probability

Find an index of the maximum occurring element with equal probability

Problem Given an array of integers, find the most occurring element of the array and return any …

Find two numbers with maximum sum formed by array digits

Find two numbers with maximum sum formed by array digits

Problem Given an integer array having digits between 0 and 9, find two numbers with maximum sum …

Find all symmetric pairs in an array of pairs

Find all symmetric pairs in an array of pairs

Problem Given an array of pairs, find all symmetric pairs in it. Symmetric pairs are two pairs (…

Partition an array into two subarrays with the same sum

Partition an array into two subarrays with the same sum

Problem Given an array of integers greater than zero, find if it is possible to split it into tw…

Print all subarrays of an array having distinct elements

Problem Given an integer array, print all maximum-sized subarrays having all distinct elements i…

Ubuntu Features

Ubuntu Features

One of the most popular Linux distributions is Ubuntu. It may be used for a wide range of functions…

date command in Linux with Examples

date command in Linux with Examples

This article goes through the date command of Linux. We will discuss all the flags/options and form…

What is Ubuntu?

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is one of the most widely used Linux distributions. It can be employed for a variety of task…

How to use mount command in Linux?

How to use mount command in Linux?

Mounting refers to connecting one external device with another. This is helpful in tasks like backu…

What is Debian?

What is Debian?

Introduction Debian is a popular Linux distribution and also one of the earliest Linux distribut…