Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers

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Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers

Vinay Khatri
Last updated on July 27, 2024

    In this Python tutorial, you will learn how to write a python program to find the Largest Number Among Three numbers.

    Prerequisite for Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers


    • First, we ask the user to enter 3 numbers.
    • Using the float() function we will convert the entered values into floating number values.
    • Using the if….elif  statement and comparison operators, we check for conditions.

    Python Program to Find the Largest Among Three Numbers

    Python Code

    num_1 = float(input("Enter First Number: "))
    num_2 = float(input("Enter Second Number: "))
    num_3 = float(input("Enter the Third Number: "))
    if num_1 > num_2 and num_1> num_3:
        print("The largest number is:", num_1)
    elif num_2 > num_1 and num_2>num_3:
        print("The largest number is:", num_2)
        print("The largest number is:", num_3)

    Output 1:

    Enter First Number: 19
    Enter Second Number: 19
    Enter the Third Number: 20
    The largest number is: 20.0


    Enter First Number: 1009
    Enter Second Number: 123
    Enter Third Number: 2652
    The largest number is: 2652.0

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