JavaScript Events

    What is an Event in JavaScript

    JavaScript is designed to interact with the HTML pages, and events are one of the main features that allow JavaScript to interact with HTML documents. An event is a signal or thing which tells that something is happening to the HTML page or its elements. For example, when a page is loaded it's an event, when the user hovers over the button clicks it, is also an event.

    There are various ways when an event occurs on the HTML page, it could be the browser or the user who activates those events. We as a JavaScript developer use the events to interact with the HTML document and make changes to modify or make the web-page more interactive.

    Note: More than the JavaScript events are the part of HTML document.

    Common HTML events

    Although there are many events in HTML here is the list of the most common ones.



    onchange Occur When an HTML element is changed
    onclick Occur when the user clicks on the HTML element.
    onmouseover Occur when the user puts the mouse cursor over the HTML element.
    onmouseout Occur when the user moves out the mouse cursor over the HTML element.
    onload Occur when the browser finished loading the page.

    Events Examples

    Now let's see some HTML events in action, and how they used with JavaScript. So what we do with JavaScript and HTML events, we execute a JavaScript function based on the event. onclick Event Type onclick is one of the most frequently used HTML events. This event occurs when the user clicks over the HTML element, it could either be a text, image, video, or button.

        function changeColor()
            button = document.querySelector("button"); //get the button
        <!--call changeColor function when user click the button -->
        <button onclick ="changeColor() "> 
            Change Color(Click) 
    When the user clicks on the button it will activate the button, the changeColor() the function of JavaScript will be called.
    In the above example document.querySelector("button"); and statements are new that we have not discussed yet but for now, we are using those two statements to access the HTML button element and changing its style.
    Now let's see another example.
    onmouseover and onmouseout Events
    The onmouseover event get triggered when the over place its mouse cursor over the element and the onmouseout event trigger when the user mover away the most over the element.
        function over()
            para = document.querySelector("p"); //get the <p> element
        function out()
            para = document.querySelector("p"); //get the <p> element
        <!--call over() and out() functions when mouse over or away from the element -->
       <p onmouseover ="over()" onmouseout ="out()" > 
        Place the Mouse over me and move out
    Run the above program on your browser and see the magic for yourself.


    There are many events in HTML, in this tutorial we have only discussed 2 or 3. This is not about what are all the events present in HTML. The main objective of this tutorial to aware you of the concept of events, because it is one of the most important parts of JavaScript. We will be discussing all the events in the advanced section of JavaScript where we deal with HTML DOM and events. For now, just remember events are the signals that occur on the HTML page. And an event can be triggered by the user or browser itself.
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