JavaScript Syntax

    The JavaScript code cannot execute standalone, it needs to be embedded in the HTML file inside the HTML <script> tag.

    JavaScript Syntax

    There are two ways, to embed a JavaScript code in an HTML file.

    1. Internal JavaScript
    2. External JavaScript

    Internal JavaScript Code

    In the Internal JavaScript code, we write the complete JavaScript code inside the HTML document between the opening <script> and closing </script> tags. And an HTML file can have more than 1 <script> tags. We Generally use Internal JavaScript when we want to put all the code in the same HTML file. And Internal JavaScript is only preferred when you are working on a small front-end project. Example #js-syntax.html

    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <script> alert("JavaScript Syntax")</script>
            <h1>Syntax Tutorial Internel JavaScript</h1>
    As the browser parse the HTML document from top to bottom, that's why the <script> tag will execute before the <body> tag. When you execute the above HTML file in your web-browser you will see a similar output.

    External JavaScript

    In external JavaScript, we create a separate JavaScript file with the file extension .js . In the separate JavaScript file, we write all the JavaScript code and import that file in our HTML file using <script> tag and src attribute. Example #js-external.js

    alert("JavaScript Syntax External")
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <!-- External JavaScript -->
            <script src="js-external.js"> </script>
            <h1>JavaScript Syntax Tutorial External JavaScript</h1>      
    The Internal JavaScript and External JavaScript will work the same, but when you work on big projects, there you need to keep your project modular. In that case, you need to create separate JavaScript files for JavaScript code.

    Placement of the Script Tag:

    The <script> tag can be placed either inthe <head> tag or <body> tag.

    <script> in the <head> tag

    We generally place the <script> tag in the <head> when we want to execute or parse the <script> tag before the <body> tag.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <!-- Script Tag in the Head  -->
            <script src="js-external.js"> </script>
            <h1>JavaScript Syntax Tutorial</h1>

    <script> in the <body> tag

    In most professional websites, you will see that all the <script> tags are located in the <body> element, and at the bottom. This is because there JavaScipt might need to manipulate an HTML element, which can only happen if the complete <body> element is loaded before the JavaScript code, else you might see some error.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
            <h1>JavaScript Syntax Tutorial</h1>
            <!-- Script Tag in the Body  -->
            <script src="js-external.js"> </script>

    Script Element Attributes

    The <script> Element supports 8 attributes

    1. async (only for External Script)
    2. crossorigin
    3. defer (only for External Script)
    4. integrity
    5. nomodule
    6. refferpolicy
    7. src
    8. type


    The async attribute can only be used with External JavaScript <script> tag. It is a boolean value, which runs the script asynchronously as soon as the browser parses the Script.

    <script src="js-external.js" async> </script>


    The crossorigin attribute is used when we are importing the JavaScript file from another server.

    <script src="" 


    defer attribute is the opposite of async attribute, it is also a boolean attribute but it does not execute or run the page until the complete HTML page gets parsed by the browser. defer attribute only works with external Script.
    <script src="js-external.js" defer> </script>


    The integrity attribute contains the filehash value which allows the browser to check the fetched script.

    <script src="" 


    The nomodule is a boolean attribute that represents whether or not to execute the Script in the browser that supports ES2015 modules.
    <script nomodule>  alert("Hello")</script>


    The reffererpolicy attribute represent which referrer information to send when the script is fetched.
    <script src="js-external.js" referrerpolicy="origin"> </script>


    The src attribute represents the source location or URL for the external JavaScript.

    <script src="js-external.js" > </script>


    The type attribute defines the media type of the script.

    <script type="text/javascript"></script>

    Case Sensitivity

    JavaScript is a case-sensitive programming language. It supports the concepts of keywords, identifiers, functions, and objects which make more sense if the programming language is case sensitive. By case-sensitive programming language, we mean we can not use different case staying to access the same object, for example alert() will prompt up an alert box but ALERT() will throw an error.

    Comments in JavaScript

    Comments are used to provide extra information about the code itself, the browser interpreter does not execute the comment. There are two ways we can write comments in JavaScript code.

    • Single Line Comment
    • Multi-Line Comment

    To write a single line comment we use the double backslash symbol // Example

    <script> //this is a single line comment </script>
    To write a multi-line comment we start the comment with /* symbol and ends with */ symbol
    This is 
    a multi
    line comment


    • JavaScript needs to be embedded or imported into the HTML file.
    • We can use JavaScript in an HTML file with two methods, Internal and External.
    • In External JavaScript we write the separate JavaScript code in .js file.
    • JavaScript is a CaseSenstive Programming Language.
    • // is used to write single-line comments and /* & */ are used to write multi-line comments in JavaScript.

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