Write a Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n

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Write a Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n

Vinay Khatri
Last updated on October 23, 2024

    Here in this post, we have explained how to raise any number x to a Positive Power n. So let us get started.

    Problem Statement

    We need to write a Script in C, C++, and Python, that accepts two integer values from the user x and n . And return an output value of x raise to the power n . Here x would be the number whose power to be raised, n will be the number representing the value of power. This article will help you to Write a Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n For example, if x is 2 and n is 4 the output should be (2) 4 =2*2*2*2 = 16

    Approach 1

    In our first approach, we will use the Inbuilt pow() function provided almost every programming language. Using the pow() function we can compute any power of the specified number.

    C Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n (using pow function)

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <math.h>
    int main() 
       int x, n, result;
    	printf("Enter the value of x: ");
    	scanf("%d", &x);
    	printf("Enter the value of n: ");
    	scanf("%d", &n);
            // compute the power of x raise to n
    	result = pow(x,n);
    	printf("The %d raise to the power %d is: %d ", x, n, result);
        return 0;


    Enter the value of x: 4
    Enter the value of n: 5
    The 4 raise to the power 5 is: 1024

    C++ Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n using pow function

    #include< conio.h>
    void main()
    int x, n, result;
    cout<<"Enter the value of x: ";
    cout<<"Enter the value of n: ";
    // compute the power of x raise to n
    result = pow(x,n);
    cout<<"The "<<x<<" raise to the power "<<n<<" is: "<<result;


    Enter the value of x: 4
    Enter the value of n: 6
    The 4 raise to the power 6 is: 4096

    Python Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n using pow function

    import math
    x= int(input("Enter the value of x: "))
    n= int(input("Enter the value of n: "))
    # compute the power of x raise to n
    result = math.pow(x, n)
    print("The",x,"raise to the power",n,"is:",int(result))


    Enter the value of x: 4
    Enter the value of n: 6
    The 4 raise to the power 6 is: 4096

    Approach 2

    In the second approach, rather than using the inbuilt pow() function, we will use the for loop to calculate the power of a number raised to a specified positive integer value . The logic for this approach is very simple, all we need to do is keep multiple the number x to itself up to n times. So we will create a loop from range 1 to n , and inside that, we will multiple x to itself and store the result in a result variable.

    C Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n using for loop)

    #include <stdio.h>
    int main()
    	//initialize the result value with 1
    	int x, n, result=1, i; 
    	printf("Enter the value of x: "); 
    	scanf("%d", &x); 
    	printf("Enter the value of n: "); 
    	// compute the power of x raise to n 
    	for(i=1;i<=n; i++)
    		result *=x; 
    	printf("The %d raise to the power %d is: %d ", x, n, result);
    	return 0; 


    Enter the value of x: 5
    Enter the value of n: 3
    The 5 raise to the power 3 is: 125

    C++ Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n using for loop

    using namespace std;
    int main()
    	//initialize the result value with 1
    	int x, n, result=1, i; 
    	cout<<"Enter the value of x: "; 
            cout<<"Enter the value of n: "; 
    	// compute the power of x raise to n 
    	for(i=1;i<=n; i++)
    		result *=x; 
    	cout<<"The "<<x<<" raise to the power "<<n<<" is: "<<result;
    	return 0; 


    Enter the value of x: 5
    Enter the value of n: 7
    The 5 raise to the power 7 is: 78125

    Python Program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n (using for loop)

    x= int(input("Enter the value of x: "))
    n= int(input("Enter the value of n: "))
    # initialize result with value 1
    result =1
    # compute the power of x raise to n
    for i in range(n):
        result *= x
    print("The",x,"raise to the power",n,"is:",int(result))


    Enter the value of x: 3
    Enter the value of n: 5
    The 3 raise to the power 5 is: 243

    Wrapping Up!

    In this Programming tutorial, we discussed how to write a script or program to raise any number x to a Positive Power n. To solve this problem we have used two approaches, in the first approach, we take the help of inbuilt function pow(), and in the second approach, we used the for loop. When using the for loop make sure that initialize the value of result with 1, because many programming languages store a default value of 0 or garbage value during declaration.

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