Python TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' Solution

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Python TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' Solution

Vinay Khatri
Last updated on January 20, 2025

    A Python dictionary is a data container object that stores its elements in the form of key:value pair. The dictionary hashes the key data and maps it with the corresponding value. According to the Python syntax, we can only use an immutable data structure such as string, tuple, integers, and floats as a key because Python can hash these data types.

    If we try to use a mutable or unhashable data object as a key, there we will encounter an unhashable error. Similarly, if we use a dictionary object as a key in another dictionary, Python will raise the error, "TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'".

    In this Python tutorial, we will discuss this error in detail and learn how to solve it. To tackle this error, we will also walk through a common example scenario.

    Python Error: TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

    As we know that a Python dictionary contains its elements in the form of key:value pairs. And according to the dictionary syntax, a key should be an immutable data type that can be hashed, and a value could be any data object.

    But if we try to use a dictionary object which is a mutable data type as a key, there Python raises the TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' Error. This is because Python hashes the dictionary's key data to its corresponding value, and the immutable data objects like the list and dictionary are unhashable.

    We can break the Error statement TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' into two parts.

    1. TypeError (Exception Type)
    2. unhashable type: 'dict' (Error Message)

    1. TypeError

    TypeError is a standard Python exception. Python raises this exception when we try to apply an invalid operation or function on an inappropriate data type. This Exception also raises when we pass a wrong data type to a function.

    2. unhashable type: 'dict'

    unhashable type: 'dict' is the error message statement. This error message is only raised when we try to hash a dictionary object in Python. Python comes with an inbuilt hash() function, that can hash an immutable data type to a hashable integer value. Python dictionary also uses the hash() function to hash its keys. If the key data is a dictionary itself, the hash() function could not hash that key and raise this error.

    Error Example 1: Try to hash a dictionary using the hash() function

    requirements = {"LED":100, 
    		"100m Wire":40,
    # try to hash the requirements dictionary (Error)


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 8, in 
    TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

    Error Example 2: Use a dictionary as a key for another dictionary

    dict1 = { 1:"a" }
    # use dict1 as a key for dict2
    dict2 = {dict1: "b"} #error 


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 4, in 
        dict2 = {dict1: "b"} #error
    TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

    In the above examples, we are getting the same error. In example 1, we are getting the error because we are trying to hash the dictionary object using hash() function. And in example 2 we are getting the same error for using the dictionary object as a key for another dictionary.

    Common Example Scenario

    We mostly get this error when we use a dictionary object as a key for another dictionary. Let's say we have a list requirement that contains multiple dictionary items of electronic devices. Each dictionary item has two elements the item name and its quantity. And we need to create a new dictionary priority that contains only those list items whose quantity is more than 200.


    requirement = [	{"Name": "LEDs",
    		 "Quantity": 250
    		{"Name": "Electric Tape",
    		 "Quantity": 500
    		{"Name": "Fuse",
    		 "Quantity": 100
    		{"Name": "Moters",
    		 "Quantity": 10
    		{"Name": "Switches",
    		 "Quantity": 100
    		{"Name": "Wire(100M)",
    		 "Quantity": 500
    # priority dictionary
    priority = dict()
    for item in requirement:
    	# item with quantity greater than 200
    	if item["Quantity"] > 200: 
    		priority[item] = item["Quantity"]   #error 
    print("The priority items are")


    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 29, in 
        priority[item] = item["Quantity"]
    TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'

    Break the Output

    In the above example, we are receiving the error in line 29 with priority[item] = item["Quantity"] statement. In this only statement, we are getting the error because here, we are trying to pass the dictionary object as key data to the priority dictionary. In that statement, the value of item is a dictionary object. And we know we get the TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' error when we try a dictionary object as a key for another dictionary.


    To solve the above example, we need to ensure that we are not using a dictionary object as key data for our priority dictionary. Instead of using the priority[item] = item["Quantity"] statement we should use priority[item["Name"]] = item["Quantity"] .

    requirement = [
    		{"Name": "LEDs",
    		 "Quantity": 250
    		{"Name": "Electric Tape",
    		 "Quantity": 500
    		{"Name": "Fuse",
    		 "Quantity": 100
    		{"Name": "Moters",
    		 "Quantity": 10
    		{"Name": "Switches",
    		 "Quantity": 100
    		{"Name": "Wire(100M)",
    		 "Quantity": 500
    # priority dictionary
    priority = dict()
    for item in requirement:
    	# item with quantity greater than 200
    	if item["Quantity"] > 200: 
    		priority[item["Name"]] = item["Quantity"]   #solved 
    print("The priority items are")


    The priority items are
    {'LEDs': 250, 'Electric Tape': 500, 'Wire(100M)': 500}

    Now our code runs successfully without any error.


    The Error statement "TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict'" is a common error that many Python developers encounter when they deal with dictionaries and nested dictionaries. The error arises in a Python program when we accidentally try to use a dictionary object as a key for another dictionary. Python dictionary hash its key data to the associated value pair, and to hash the key, it uses the hash() function. The hash function can only hash the immutable data type, and when it tries to hash the dictionary, it throws the TypeError: unhashable type: 'dict' error.

    If you are still getting this error in your Python program, please share your code and query in the comment section. We will try to help you in debugging.

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